When to consult me for a Body-centred Stress Coaching or Osteopathy treatment?
In general I recommend osteopathy when your symptoms are mainly physical, while Body-centred Stress Coaching is recommended when you have physical and non-physical symptoms and after an accident or trauma.
When unsure please use the symptoms checklist here below as a guideline* or call me on +32 (0)472 399 779.
This test anonymous and can't be traced back to you
Score and age and gender will be used for statistical purposes and to improve my services to help you.
This test is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition. Never disregard professional medical advice.
Stress Symptoms Checklist
1 to 7 = LOW 8 to 14 = MODERATE 15 to 21 = HIGH (If you score more than 15, medical advise is highly recommendable) 22+ = VERY HIGH (If you score more than 22 please seek medical advise immediately)